Keawakapu Beach, South Kihei
My husband and I managed to sneak a much needed week away to Maui, in fact we are still here. Blogging on vacation? get to the beach girlfriend! I hear you cry.....I'm trying to maintain some self control from the sun-lounger as my skin screams out for aloe vera gel, so here we are, that along with the hawaiian insomnia and the 3am wake up call this morning to see the sunrise from 10,000 feet.
Head bursting, nauseating AWESOMENESS was sunrise at the Haleakala Crater this morning. I'm not kidding, it was BALTIC up there, being from Scotland, we thought, it cant be that cold! 'Maui Revealed' tells you to wear all the clothes you've packed, and er the rest! They forgot the paragraph that should state 'before you fly out, be sure and pack a fur coat (fake naturally), some padded gloves, ear muffs, ten layers, long johns and eskimo boots. Not to mention a tea cosy for your head' 7 Layers, and our rental cars sexy surf seat cover for wind protection, we braved the Crater....I managed to take a few sunrise shots and crowd pics, evidence of the weather, before sitting doubled over on a rock trying not to throw up from the temperature and altitude nausea not to the mention the loss usage of my hands due to frostbite. Back to car, I ran for a quick heat blast then for 'the love of photography' dragged myself back out to the viewpoint for some insanely awesome shots.
Was the 3am wake up, the 2 hour drive up a dark, wet and windy windy road worth it, ABSOLUTELY!!!
Stephen (my hubby) is mesmerized by the HD Video my sexy new 5D Mark II has to offer, so we have some shaky windy visuals also of the Crater and the sunrise. Which he is excited to edit together :) watch this space.
Soul's cleansed, here are some of my fave pictures from our 'crack of dawn' photo shoot. I have also included a shot of the beautiful beach our condo looks out onto (just to make you jealous, cruel I know ;) and the 'Sugar Factory' that place and its smoke madness, fascinates me so naturally I had to nerd out and take all sorts of arty shots of the smokes :) 'still pondering how environmentally friendly this sugar business is? ;)
Kirsty xo
Oh hello! eyeing up our seat cover coats perhaps? ;)
evidence of how cold it was, these peeps didnt show face until they heard some oooh and aaaa's from the was that cold! and yes there is a human at the bottom, its not a fold up paddling pool :P
braving the weather!
one of the first peeks of the sun :) squeal!
this is what I envision heaven to look like :)
Hubby taking in the view
Arg! the mighty Crater
This landscape reminds me of home :(
The 'Sugar Factory'
Smoke Madness
more smoke madness
Amazing! I love Maui! We used to go every other summer to Kaanapali Beach when I was younger. I hope you're having a very fun and relaxing time!
gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous girlf!!! i love how you can even make smoke look sexy! ;) can't wait to hang in yosemite together!!! what fun pictures we'll make! safe travels! lp
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